Can every man or women be so persuading to change you?

Bonum Factum
2 min readFeb 26, 2022


Moments that hold dear to your heart, something that defines you for you! But oddly that doesn’t sit right with a specific gender and somehow they surface how important their opinions are and should indefinitely be known to you and to the world. How to deal with such obnoxious ones? Well, each to their own. Some choose the “silent treatment” some choose the “violent/ aggressive movement” bloody hell! some even choose “piss off notion”. If you look at it from an outsider view it is righteously wild and shocking. Then comes the next following up bothersome trash “ overthinking sit down”, like I said, each to their own!

Being talked into changing isn’t always a good thing I mean after all you aren’t trying to reach the end of a rainbow here, someone is trying to strip your authenticity off and these people are aiming to built you not as you are, but as they think you should be. Think about it, how many times have people around you asked you “ what do you want to be? A calmer self, better being, risk taker?” and no!, they don’t check the box by simply asking once but by helping you reach and keep checking, that’s when you know they are the absolute healthy company you have surrounded yourself by.

Lastly, recognizing yourself before anyone else is the most important tasks and I don’t mean admitting your faults and apologizing no!. I mean admittedly acceptance because here is the real deal, you might come across those who accept you as you and those who will constantly try to change you thinking they know what’s best for you , but you know what works best just for you, none else does.



Bonum Factum

“ I need you to wear Confidence as your outfit, A smile as your make up and Empower as your shoes.”