How many times have we come across couples who have to hide in the shadow?

Bonum Factum
2 min readFeb 26, 2022


Climbing throught the whole painful, disfigured, uncertainty relationships and finally coming across one that checks all the boxes, however the only box that is unchecked is the “disclosure” box. They give multiple reasons to not publically declare themselves as a couple. Wonder why? Now I know most would think “it’s a phase”, “they have trust issues so want to be 100percent sure about us” and whatever other excuses are there to defend them, you as their significant other obviously make up these excuses for them all for a simple reason…… Hoping they are the one.

It no longer lingers around the big “L” word anymore but it does linger around to see if they fit right into your world. You meet their family and friends, your friends and family meet them and in the end the opinions that come around with it, ah the opinions some which can create a a good old batter of “why them?” “ are they right for you?” “nah I don’t like them” and the most world renounced of them all “ You can do better.” All these quotes and opinions tend to make you wonder about the your choices not just in a partner but also in life did you get the right counter for your kitchen?, did you move on too fast? And in the end all this batter pops out isn’t a delicious main course, but a nasty rows of unnecessary arguments, fights, doubts. Of course, after all when the end is near and you have gone throught the black hole and made it to the otherside the main course statement that gets you comfort and confidence back and an all time favorite “ It just didn’t mean anything to them”. Well, in such situations there are discrete ways to go on about it some mingle, some give up head their way towards arranged set up of which the potemntial is marriage, some even take time to themselves and enjoy time in solitary , all in all what counts is what works best for you as an person not what people around you thinks works best for you.



Bonum Factum

“ I need you to wear Confidence as your outfit, A smile as your make up and Empower as your shoes.”