Trouble Communicating? This book is a game changer.

Bonum Factum
2 min readApr 27, 2022



How many times you have come across different people telling you which book to read to communicate better?, and you have wonder “why? I communicate well, hell I am a speaker and I don’t need more book in my coped up one bedroom flat.”

Well, truth be told we all think we are good communicators, some take pride in their communication skills. Psychologist, psychiatrist, P.B(Public Speakers), team leaders, agencies, mainly sales department after all, their bread and butter is communication which brings in the sales. To help people understand what their minds is speaking to them through their body language, to become more aware of themselves.

However, it is never bad to keep reading and learning new communication skills and I am here to bring this specific book to your attention that has helped me the most.

I am a good speaker, communication is my happy place. Yet, I tend to loose focus when my recipient is going on and on about a story/ metaphor/ quote, eventually building it up to their point. Now in the meantime I am starting to get fidgety, and waiting and waiting for the point to come to light in order for me to proceed and understand their perspective. While I am loosing my patience and believe me, it takes me a while to loose my patience. I am ignoring the gems that are being scattered all around me while this person in front of me is building up to their point.

Click the link below to check out the book that can help you better your communication with anyone and everyone.



Bonum Factum

“ I need you to wear Confidence as your outfit, A smile as your make up and Empower as your shoes.”