What most of us think but don’t say!

Bonum Factum
2 min readJun 8, 2021


“Finaly found a parking spot!” one of the first relief you get when you are on your way to your favorite bar. Walking down to your table and you find out someone took it, “Well that’s alright I’ll find somewhere else” after ordering your drink which took a real long time to come you finally take a sip and feel better about the hectic long day you went through. In all this sense of chaos you find out there was nothing to be concerned and stressed about but hey that is the alcohol easing you in. strolling throught instagram you find out your crush has someone new in their life, you wonder “well that’s that” and continue drinking but here is the catch do you think they found something new because you didn’t make the first move? that could have been you but because of all the overthinking and waiting around someone else took their shot and succeeded.

Now and then we all have they days, where we wonder if our choices are right if there will be consequences to them if they would be good or bad? so many thoguhst process through our mind isn’t insane, in all that cloud of thinking you miss out on the little things which can be in your control and you choose to pass them on because you got bigger fishes to fry.

Take control, trust in yourself whatever the outcome may be we both know you will deal with it headon and stronger than before.



Bonum Factum

“ I need you to wear Confidence as your outfit, A smile as your make up and Empower as your shoes.”