What would they think?

Bonum Factum
1 min readMay 30, 2021


Browsing through catalog and you come across sale section, you find out your favourite store is on!!!! YES!


I know we all feel that way. Later that afternoon you make time and visit the store to check the sale out, while browsing you see someone is shoplifting……thoughts run through your mind “ Should I call them out? Should I say something? This is wrong!” but what would you? Some of us end up calling people out because it is right and some let it go by thinking “Nah, it’s not bothering me” is it though? Our minds, capture these incidents and store them to tell others as an entertainment to our friends, work colleagues, at family dinner soon enough it becomes a conversation starter. Bottom line, our minds go into “choices” process. These choices come from past experiences, “maybe the shoplifter was mugged and needed food? he/she wants to do this for someone else to feed them?” and we start to think if we should do the go ahead and call people out or let them use their past as an excuse for their actions.



Bonum Factum

“ I need you to wear Confidence as your outfit, A smile as your make up and Empower as your shoes.”